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A simple to use tool with powerful potential.


Use GeniusLog as a guide for creating a stunning transcript for college or resume, as well as for personal record-keeping and goal setting. See "gaps" at a glance. Record all books and other works of genius (aka--great works, masterpieces, classics) you and/or your child has read, studied, or experienced--books, magazine articles, talks, plays, music, film, architecture, news radio, games, recipes, nature study. You will be amazed at how much you are already learning; much more than you thought.


Perfect for homeschool families who follow the Charlotte Mason or TJEd paradigm; Unschoolers and relaxed homeschoolers who want to create their own world-class course of study and keep a record of what they have read, studied, and experienced; public school families who want to supplement at home.


It is pre-filled with 300 of my family's favorite works, their author, year, country of origin, genre, format (book, film, music), commentary, and subject matter covered. The counter at the top tallies total works studied. Works are only counted once you enter a date in the "date completed" column. Works can be counted more than once if read or studied more than once.


Columns: TJEd phase/age appropriateness, Title, author, date completed, format, genre, summary/commentary, 

Subject columns: language arts, writing (hours counted in 2 ways: 1. hours spent writing about different works 2. total time spent writing), history/geography/culture, social sciences/relationships, natural sciences, math/logic, political science/law, business/economics, education/personal development, art/fine arts, music, religion, foreign language


GeniusLog is editable--you can add your own works or subject columns, or delete mine. You can replace the "X" in any subject column with number of hours studied, and GeniusLog will generate a total number of hours studied in that subject at the top of the column.


See where your "gaps" are at a glance--If your goal is to learn *how* to think, and not just *what* to think (accumulating information), then you will want to study works created by men and women with differing opinions and perspectives, from various countries and cultures and time periods. GeniusLog allows you to easily sort your list in alphabetical or chronological order, by title, author, year, country of origin, genre, and subject matter covered, for easy assessment of the breadth of your education.


One purchase gives you:

--as many copies as you need for your household for life

--unlimited downloads of the  Excel document, if something should go wrong (including new versions with new works)


Download today so you don't miss a single day of G-Logging!


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